The Composer is Dead

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Great fun at the weekend narrating an orchestral concert with the fab West London Sinfonia and conductor Philip Hesketh as part of the 2019 Ealing Music & Film Festival. The Composer is Dead is a kind of musical whodunnit with a brilliant musical setting by US composer Nathaniel Stooky of Lemony Snicket’s book of the same name. The composer is dead so the Inspector is called in to the find the murderer (or murderers) among the instruments of the orchestra…with much ensuing hilarity. We had a blast!

Never Such Innocence on BBC Radio 3

Delighted to appear on BBC Radio 3 with pianist Gamal Khamis this evening for interview with Katie Derham and extracts from our acclaimed narrative recital Never Such Innocence about the First World War, ahead of our performance at The English Music Festival at Radley College Oxfordshire on Sunday May 27th. Katie was kind enough to describe the show as "incredibly moving". Tour dates continue through the year. Full details at

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Never Such Innocence

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Looking forward to performances of Never Such Innocence this week at Kingswood School, Bath on Thursday November 9th at 4.30pm & 7pm (tickets via and Clapham Chamber Concerts on Friday November 10th at 7.30pm.

Audience comments from previous performances:

“A very special, moving and immensely absorbing production”

“Beautifully nuanced show – tender, moving, angry” 

“A spell-binding evening. So compelling to watch and listen to …I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house.“

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Myth, Hope and Tragedy

Looking forward to performing Myth, Hope and Tragedy at All Saints' Church, Church Street, Isleworth, TW7 6BE, a programme of words and music to commemorate the centenary of the Russian Revolution. I'll be reading historical and literary accounts, plus poetry by Yevtushenko, alongside the music of Shostakovich, Prokoviev and Scriabin played by Simon Trentham (cello), Yoriko Gibbs (piano) and Yoriko Wakabayashi (piano). Admission free (with retiring collection). They're all fantastic musicians so do come along if you're around. Should be a fun evening.

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BMW meets Bowers & Wilkins

Audiophiles will immediately prick up their ears at the sound of the words Bowers & Wilkins, synonymous with ultra high end audio. This uber-stylish film featuring the inner workings of the human ear is part of the launch campaign for the Bowers & Wilkins Diamond surround sound system in the new BMW 5 series... words alone which are probably enough to get both audiophiles and petrol-heads drooling in stereo. It was certainly a pleasure to voice...

Peppa Pig the Movie

Well I must admit this one was a bit of a departure for the actor whose own kids claimed to be scared when he read them bedtime stories (sorry girls). But even the voice that brought you The Woman in Black, Spooks, The King's Speech and countless other heavy hitting dramas dramas can't help but soften up for the nation's favourite little piggy. This is the trailer campaign currently airing for Peppa Pig the Movie, very nicely done by the team at Create UK.

Never Such Innocence

The first performance of NEVER SUCH INNOCENCE, a programme of poems, readings and music from the First World War I am performing with the amazing pianist Gamal Khamis takes place on November 3rd 2016 at 7.30pm as part of the Somme 100 commemoration at St Mary's Church, Perivale, UB6 8SS Map. Admission is free (with retiring collection). Do join us if you can:

Actor Christopher Kent and pianist Gamal Khamis look back at the writing and music that emerged from the period, juxtaposing the words of writers like Wilfred Owen, Edward Thomas, Siegfried Sassoon and Vera Brittain with piano music by composers such as Elgar, Ravel, Debussy, Frank Bridge and Ivor Gurney. 

In a moving and thought-provoking sequence, they trace a narrative from the early innocence and nostalgia of pre-war life, through initial patriotic optimism, to the growing realisation of what was happening at the front and the deep sadness and loss that followed across Europe. As well as poetry the programme will include extracts from letters, diaries and contemporary accounts, plus material drawn from personal family history.

NEVER SUCH INNOCENCE is available for booking for concert societies, festivals, schools and theatres. Please contact Christopher Kent at or +44 7850 595089 for details